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AAA Music | 5 February 2025

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Johnny Foreigner vs Everything

| On 06, Nov 2011

The album starts off with some nice rhythmic electric guitar that is uplifting. The opening song is really there to say this is my new album here. The effects that are being used are really nice, because they make the album feel more different and unique at times. The overall album is really different but it stays the same. Fast and rhythmic electric guitar are being used which is nice. Also sweet and melodic also with some nice drums and keyboard effects. There are also some acoustic guitar parts at times. There are also some nice accompanied harmonic vocals. At times there is a heavy bass line that makes the listener go into another dimension. There is also a piano that gives the album an extra depth of ballad. The ballads make the vocals stand out even more and show there beauty. There are some nice interlude songs that make the album fit nicely together. There is also a feel of programed electric drums at times to give the album a space effect and this is also created with microphone effects. The effects are what makes this an incredible album even more. The touching feelings come throw the instruments effects and vocals.


Author: Enrico Dow