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AAA Music | 10 March 2025

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Cardinal Jack – We Shall Start The Dance

| On 06, Nov 2011

‘The heavy rock influence can be heard and it just makes you want to dance. The best band heard in some time’


Day & Night – This song starts off with some heavy bass and with some drums. Then there are some guitar notes and then some spacious licks. There are also some nice vocals that fit in well. The doubed effect used on them makes them really powerful and fit really well together. Don’t Dance Right – The song starts off with some heavy distorted guitar and accompanied with some nice drums and bass guitar. The vocals also are really nice and they effects on them are really nice. Then halve way the guitar and the bass change and become really nice. Green Eyed Boy – The song starts off with some nice bass drums being accompanied with some nice electric guitar chords being played. The bass drives the song forward. The vocals are also really grate and the guitar solo is really sweet. Make The Time – The son g starts off with with some echoed guitar plucking being played. Then a drum beat comes in and gets accompanied with some nice bass that drives the song forward. The vocals also are really fitting and nice effects on them. The listener is drawn into a dance rave into another dimension. Old Time Twitch – The song starts off with really nice drums. Then some nice electric guitar and bass come in. Then even some nice vocals come in that accompanied the chords of the heavy distorted electric guitar well. The listener is taken into a different dimension.



Play – The song starts off with some nice guitar riffs and accompanied with some nice drums and vocals. The bass fits in well and the vocals are also grate. The vocals also use the right amount of effects on them. Pre Post & Trauma – The song starts off with some nice guitar riffs. Then there are some nice drums and bass guitar being played. Then some vocals come in that use some echoed effects to make the sound even better. The listener is taken into another dimension. The guitar effects are really grate and really melodic. Put It Right – The song starts off with some nice heavy guitar riffs that are being accompanied with some nice drums. Then there is a bass guitar that is being played with some grate vocals and effects. The Secret To Improving – The song starts off with a nice distorted guitar riffs and being accompanied with some nice drums. The bass come in and drives the song really nice forward. The vocals are really great and nicely echoed. We Shall Start The Dance – The song starts off with some really dance distorted guitar riffs. They are being accompanied with some nice bass and drums. The vocals are also really fitting and use the echoed effect used throughout the hole song.



Author: Enrico Dow