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AAA Music | 4 March 2025

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Tom James Parmiter – Providence

| On 23, Oct 2011

“Calm effects made with sting instruments and goves that make you want to not be here”

Providence – The Sogng starts of with a synthesised echoed effect. Then an synthesised bass effect comes and beutifully acompiantes the sogng. Then even some medoic syth come in. Towards the end there is a piano and drums being played. All in the song sounds is spactious and makes the album start on a high. Kyoto Dreams – The song starts off with some nice piano and violin rythems being looped with acompianated drums. The song sounds like a houl dream. The tempo changes and the houl song becomes faster with the drums. The listener is taken into a trance and into another place. Buying Peace – The song starts off with some nice hip hop style drums. Then there is a bass that drives the song with synthesied effects and a beutiful acompiament of vilons. The drums become more compleate and the song is brought into another dimmension, where there is peace. The Carousel Suite – The song starts off with some nice piano melodie being played together. Then the temp changes and the song gets another dimmension and this is still all only up becose of the piano. Towards alve way there is a symballs and drums effect being played with some echoe effects. Ricochet – The song starts off with a nice synthesidsed effect peing played on keys. Then there is a beutiful drum acompianment that makes the song drive forward. The guitar makes the song get more depth and beauty to itself.


Beau Rivage – This song starts off with a sting orchestra that sounds like from classic Tiesto Adiego for the stings. This makes a vonderfull imagination in the listeners mind. Kaleidoscope – This song starts with some nice indian roots drums, but then quicklly they become acompianated with some nice electric guitar that then later get echoie with some nice violins and more guitar effects. The Shadow of the Wind 1 – The song starts off with some nice echoie guitar effects. Then there come a bass in wich makes the sound come to live and compleate. Then there are some really grove drums happaning that make the song really trpi. By the end of the song the listener is in another dimmesion and it far what he is ued to. The Shadow of the Wind 2 – The song brought the listener into another dimmesion and this is the interloode of pringing it all back to reality. Man of the Mountain – This is the song starts off with some nice similar calm effects that can be heard thout album. Then though the song becomes more upbeat and it turns out to have a drum and bass tipe of feel. This is a grate song to finish on a high.

Author: Enrico Dow