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AAA Music | 6 March 2025

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Introducing Random Impulse!

| On 08, Oct 2011

Josie Payne met with the man behind Random Impulse, here’s what she discovered!

AAAmusic: Hiya, How are you?!

Random Impulse: I’m really good thanks! Feeling awesome!

AAAMuic: So first things first, tell us why Random Impulse?

RI: Why I’m named that? Ah when I was about 11 some of the older kids in my area just started calling me impulse due to me going through with anything that popped into my head haha.

AAAmusic: When you first arrived on the scene you were just a rapper but now you have incorporated more instruments into your music; what led to this change?

RI: I’ve always listened to bands just as much as I’ve listened to hip hop and grime, and I always found it annoying that I always had to find samples to get the sound I wanted, so being true to my name one day I decided i was going to teach myself guitar drums and bass. That was two years ago now!

AAAmusic: You’re on tour with Gym Class Heroes at the minute; how’s it going?!

RI: It’s going amazing! They’re really cool guys man. And after that I’m doing a few dates with Ed Sheeran too, which is always awesome.

AAAmusic: You have written for Lupe Fiasco before so you must be pretty used to having a mass audience hear your songs; does it feel any different hearing people’s responses to the songs that you are performing?

RI: It’s REALLY trippy hearing people sing along to my songs… I can’t think of a more humbling moment then that.. So I’d say a massive yes, it’s very different haha.

AAAMusic: Being selected as one of the MOBO association’s one’s to watch must have felt pretty good but do you feel any extra pressure to succeed as a result of these accolades?

RI: Oh no way. To be honest I’d say about 98% of the people who I speak to about future plans or ideas for new songs ALWAYS say that I’m nuts and it’ll never work, then I put it out and the audience love it. Being selected for things like that are really awesome, but I think that as long as I stay true to the music I genuinely enjoy, you can never really be too disappointed with any outcome :)

AAAmusic: You make a lot of use of social media; do you think this is an important marketing tool in the modern industry or is it just something that you enjoy doing?

RI: It’s all I’ve got Hahaha! When you’re unsigned like me with no one investing money into you, the only thing you have to get your music out to the masses is the good ol’ internet!

AAAmusic: Finally do you have a favourite artist at the minute that you would like to introduce to our readers?

RI: I’ve got two whose albums I’m playing constantly recently. Ed Sheeran’s ‘+’ album and Sleigh bells ‘treats’ album! Loving those two at the moment!

AAAMusic: Thanks Jóvel and good luck with the rest of the tour!

RI: Ah thank you so much! And if you’re around any of the dates just let me know and well have a drink! :D


Random Impulse playing the Livemusic Presents… Students’ Union Tour around the UK in October, AND YOU CAN GET ON THE GUEST LIST!!

EXCLUSIVE Guest List Draw: Up for grabs are a whole bunch of exclusive “+1 guest list places” for the Livemusic Presents… Random Impulse plays the Students’ Union Tour. Yes, 100’s of lucky punters will be picked at random for entry on the Livemusic gig guest list for you and a friend. Click the link to enter…..we can’t wait!!! Anyone can enter (not just students)…

Enter at the links below.

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Author: Josie Payne