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Flash Fiktion Unveil New Single & Tour Dates

| On 06, Oct 2011

Three euphoric minutes of psychedelic, synth-smeared pop set to a thumping four-to-the-floor backbeat dotted with Latin percussion, it’s like a brief glimpse of a glittering, utopian future, with tantalising lyrical hints of a society “building heaven out of love”. “The song a vision of a society using man-made substances to achieve a feeling of togetherness and unity,” says Matt (vocals, guitar, keyboard, samplers). “The idea that altered states of mind and a distortion of reality are the only way a community can be truly happy.”


This idea of a rarefied, chemical euphoria is a thread that runs through a lot of the songs on Flash Fiktion’s self-titled debut album, from ‘Me And Mr E’ to recent single (and favourite of Radio 1’s Nick Grimshaw) ‘Capsules Of Sun’. “Our songs are like little stories, based on real life events but given a kind of psychedelic twist,” reckons Matt. “They’re like dreams, or nightmares – and bizarre things happen within them.”


Artificial Colours is the fourth single to be taken from the recently released album. Clocking in at a lean 38 minutes, this self-titled collection assembles eleven polished nuggets of mutant pop, glam-punk stomps, sunny electro-pop and peculiar hybrids that melt together twinkling psychedelia and tropical rhythms, into seamless wholes. The name Flash Fiktion is a reference to a specific kind of short-form fiction that gelled neatly with the band’s own lyrical approach. “Flash fiction refers to a story written so it can be fitted on a sheet of paper, or on the back of a postcard,” says Ollie. “It’s not drawn-out like a novel, something that thickens and develops. It’s a narrative with quick impact – perfect to communicate something in a three minute song…”

“We have felt off on our own – both geographically and artistically,” Well, someone’s got to be looking to the future, right? Now, perhaps, it’s time for everyone else to catch up.

See them live 29/9/2011: AAA – 11 Kensington High Street
11/11/2011: The ‘100 Club’ 100 Oxford Street