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AAA Music | 7 March 2025

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Transfer – Take Your Medicine

| On 02, Oct 2011

‘Take Your Medicine’ is the second single to be taken from the San Diego quartet Transfer.

This new single is a great mix of anthemic riffs, psychedelic guitars and off-kilter pop hooks. But what is even more impressive about this track is it feels like one that can breach the gap between stadium and club. It can be played in any size venue and still not lose any of its raw power.

Speaking about the single in a recent interview the band’s Matthew Molarius has said that the song is very personal to him as it deals with the topic of psychoactive drugs, it’s purposes and applications and the effect it has on a person and the effects of the pharmaceutical companies have on pushing this.

Despite the large subject matter the lyrics deal with the topic very well by dissecting the issue and using the music to illustrate certain points. In short, they have succeeded where many bands fail by making the lyrics and music one rather than two separate entities that have no relation to each other.

The haunting mid-tempo atmosphere gives way to the darkly melodic chorus and al the while the background harmonies just draw you deeper into the music.

This track is very much a ‘grower’ but after a few listens you’ll be hooked by the how the track builds up to it’s climatic conclusion.

To add more weight to this song it is accompanied by an award winning video which mixes 2D artistry with 3D animation which won them two prizes at the San Diego music awards. Well worth checking it out.

Author: Barry Gray