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AAA Music | 16 March 2025

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The Murder Act announce two headline London dates, plus plans for a European tour

| On 24, Sep 2011

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First of all we have two more London shows coming up at the beginning of October, both of which are at long-standing, well respected nights. The first is Goonite at Buffalo Bar on 05/10/11. Buffalo Bar has the best sound out of any small venue I know in London, it will be LOUD! It’s also on a Wednesday and as we know there’s nothing ever happening on Wednesdays. We’re headlining too so no worries about getting there too late.
The second, on 08/10/11, is Night of the Long Swords – Another night well respected by discerning music lovers which has been going for years. Those with impeccable taste will have been at the spectacular night they had a couple of months back which featured both GNOD and Teeth of the Sea. It was bloody good. We will be supporting The Boot Lagoon who are brilliant also. As an added bonus this event is FREE!
Now on to the big news.
April 2012 will see us doing a small tour of Europe. Nothing is confirmed as yet but it looks like the cities we will be visiting are :
We will be doing this tour without the backing of a record label or booking agent so we will need all the help we can get. If you are, work for or know of any promoters, venues, DJ’s, blogs, magazines, fanzines, radio stations, places to sleep or you think we should come to your city (Or anything else you think might be useful) then please, please get in touch. As I say, we need all the help we can get!
We are very excited about all this, we hope you are too.
Rob / The Murder Act
P.S. Read Dr. Zhivago. It’s amazing.

The Murder Act’s debut E.P. “Traum” is available now on 12″ Vinyl and Digital Download from, Rough Trade, Sister Ray, Rounders Records and Resident Records.