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AAA Music | 15 March 2025

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The Transfer – Future Selves

| On 18, Sep 2011

Depth and Rhythmic and Calm, like now other album at the moment it Rocks!

Losing Composure the song starts of with a rhythmic echoed guitar being played. Accompanied with nice stadium drums. The vocals fit in well as this is a opening song. Throw the effects the listener is brought into a trance and into a nother dimention with this grate opening song.

Take Your Medicine the song starts off with some nice drums and accompanied with vocals that have a telephone effect on them. The violin also give it a nice egde that also is created with the bass and guitar.

My Suspicions the song starts off with some nice stadium feel to it. THat is created throw the drums and the big guitar sound. Accompanied with echoed vocals. The effects also sound big wich is really nice and fitting. The album gets some nice depth with the song and the listener is in a trance.

Like It Used To Be the song starts off with a rocky beat that is crated with hard drums. The guitar riffs sound at first like “Queen of the stone age”. Though the song is echo like the other ones that gives the album a nice feel. The vocals all sound really grate especially when doubt.

Get Some Rest the song starts off with some nice doubt vocals that have a Gosbal/ Folk feel to it. It sounds like a “Fleet Foxes” song, with a modern twist.

Wake To Sleep the song starts off with a heavy beat that is created with the bass drums and bass being played at the same time. The song has that stadium feel again that takes the listener into a trance and with the violin even into another dimension. The vocals are really powerful and sound like “The Beatels” at times.

Enojado the song starts off with some rhythmic distorted guitar being played and the accompanied with a funky drum beat. Then there are some doubed vocals being added. The listener is than taken into a trance with the driving bass line.

Like A Funeral the song starts off with a nice echo effect that leads into a brass welcome. Then the vocals sound just grab the listener and take him into another dimension far away from normal day life.

The Possum the song starts of with a guitar being played and accompanied with a bass line. Then the tempo changes that is achived through the drums. The overall instruments change aswell and that means that make the song more harmonic, dark and rocky.

Deerskin the song starts off with piano chords being played and accompanied with an acustic guitar. The song is soft and sweet and the vocals make the listener go on a jurney that is back in time where the feelds are where animal just run free. The trance in this song is really powerfull.

White Horse the song starts off guitar effects being played. The song than gets accompanied with some nice drums. The vocals also sound really spacious. The overall feel of the song is really rocky and that signals a nice salute to an incredible album.

Author: Enrico Dow