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AAA Music | 6 March 2025

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The Narcoleptic Dancers – Rastakraut

| On 13, Sep 2011

The Narcoleptic Dancers – Rastakraut

“Keep it simple” is an advice that too often doesn’t suit music. We can easily imagine James Blunt’s mom saying that to her son, ruining the nights of thousands of Britons.

Said that, sometimes there is an artist, or a band, that comes out with a very simple, but at the same time pleasant tune. The band in question is called The Narcoleptic Dancers.

Melody Van Kappers and Anton Louis Jr come from France and just released their first album Never Sleep. Rastakraut is the first extract from the album, a sugary blend of choirs and refrains you play on your piano with just one finger.

Melody’s voice sounds like a dream reminiscing of Sarah Records’ years dipped in melted sugar. Three chords can make you happy, but, please, keep in mind that this lovely addiction could fade away with the first autumn’s rains.

Author: Lorenzo Coretti