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AAA Music | 7 March 2025

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Patti Smith – Outside Society

| On 13, Sep 2011

Patti Smith – “Outside Society”


Patti Smith is a legendary American singer-songwriter who rose to fame in the 1970’s after her influential debut album “Horses” catapulted her to the forefront of the female punk-rock scene.  She is perhaps remembered for her best known song  “Because of the Night” co-written with Bruce Springsteen.

“Outside Society” is an 18 song collection that draws from every phase of Smiths impressive and durable career that has spanned almost 4 decades.  However if you are looking for an overview of Smith’s music “Outside Society” is not it. Smith has already released a compilation album “Land” (1975-2002) with rare tracks, demos, live recordings etc.  This album on the other hand is a collection of singles, chronologically arranged. Outside Society has a personal feel to it, you get the feeling that rather than just a money-maker compilation album that Smith had quite a heavy hand in the making of this album and chose songs that represent her well as an artist.

Outside Society includes songs such as guitar driven “Summer Cannibals” and her cover of “Smells Like Teen Spirit”. Smith is well known for her unique fusion of poetry and spoken word with music—giving many of her songs an unlikely structure. Unsurprisingly many of her most celebrated and best loved songs make an appearance on “Outside Society”. Anthemic tune “People Have the Power”, dance floor favourite “Dancing Barefoot” and controversial tune “ Rock N Roll Nigger” -which lends a lyric to the title of this album see’s Smith refuse to adhere to societies rules. In her own words “If I wanna say nigger, I’ll say nigger. If somebody wants to call me a cracker bitch, that’s cool. It’s all part of being American”.  It is this rock and roll attitude that has allowed Smith to retain her title as “godmother of punk” for so many years. Considering the eclectic range of musical and literary influences on Smith’s music it is remarkable that over the years she has never lost sight of her initial musical vision- unafraid, unapologetic punk rock.


Author: Orna Lyons