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AAA Music | 6 March 2025

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Derek Sherinian – Oceana

| On 05, Sep 2011

Let me make some preliminary remarks: I’m not a metal person.

Derek Sherinian’s new solo album is out and I’m sure that an horde of people is buying it online or in stores after months of killing waiting. Here it is guys: Oceana. Structured in nine tracks, Oceana, in my opinion, has nothing more than a Dream Theater’s album, for it’s filled with the spirit of those tracks you all love, same guitars, same drums solos, just a different band, but the same old Derek Sherinian accompanied by his inseparable keyboards. Let’s say that everytime I have the chance to listen to this kind of instrumental music, I got the feeling that it’s like a midi track you use to exercise yourself when you’re a beginner musician. So probably I’m not the best person to review albums like this, but to purge myself on a charge I can say that I’d love to exercise myself with the drums on album like this; who knows, maybe someday Derek Sherinian will write and record a minus one volume for beginners!

Author: Federica Carlino