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AAA Music | 6 March 2025

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Waters – For The One

| On 31, Aug 2011

Formerly front man of cult Indie Folkers Port O’Brien, Van Pierszalowski helms this, the first single from his new band Waters, and if this is anything to go by, he might have stumbled across something truly great. Waters is a sumptuous mess of distorted guitars, loping drums and the kind of effortless but effervescent melodies not seen since the glory days of Dinosaur J.R and The Lemonheads, in fact, the sound is most reminiscent of Surfer Rosa era Pixies covering recent Arctic Monkeys songs. Yeah, that good. And to be frank there’s not much more to be said about the song, it takes the current trend of bands emulating 90’s slacker rock and leaves it in the dust by feeling genuinely effortless, rather than just as if the makers couldn’t give a shit about how good the track sounds. Search this song out, and feel your hipster credentials rise just that much more. With this great single, it’s nothing to be afraid of.


Author: Will Howard