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AAA Music | 5 September 2024

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Keith Top Of The Pops & His Minor UK Indie Celebrity All-Star Backing Band to release album

| On 25, Aug 2011

Introducing… Keith Top Of The Pops & His Minor UK Indie Celebrity All-Star Backing Band!


After building up a stellar reputation among fellow musicians while touring Europe and the US, Keith Top Of The Pops & His Minor UK Indie Celebrity All-Star Backing Band are releasing their debut album – Fuck You! I’m Keith Top Of The Pops.

The band were formed by chance during an Art Brut show at The Knitting Factory in New York, when the support act pulled out at the last minute, and Keith and two members of the headline act joined forces to play some of Keith‘s songs. Since then, the band has existed in a constant state of flux, with band members often being recruited a few minutes before the show, and numbers ranging from just Keith and a drummer to 24 musicians, and a brass section, sharing the stage!

The band live by two rules – no rehearsals and no soundchecks – to ensure that every song they play sounds different every time. This novel approach is applied to the track listing on Fuck You! I’m Keith Top Of The Pops, as they were arranged based on the songs’ first ever performance.

If you can’t see the waveform for the album track “I Hate Your Band” below, then check it out on the ABoF SoundCloud page.
Keith Top Of The Pops & His Minor UK Indie Celebrity All-Star Backing Band – I Hate Your Band by abadgeoffriendship

Keith has also attracted a fantastic line up of musicians to record alongside him, including Dyan Valdes of The Blood Arm, Fruitbat and Jimbob from Carter USM, Keith Murray and Chris Cain from We Are Scientists and Ian Catstiltskin, Eddie Argos and Jasper Future from Art Brut. As a result, the sound is a collection of wonderfully chaotic freeform rock tunes that sound like a cross between The Fall and Half Man Half Biscuit, with more bitter and twisted undertones.

With an album tour due in September, Keith Top Of The Pops & His Minor UK Indie Celebrity All-Star Backing Band, are sure to ruffle some feathers in the UK Indie music scene over the coming months.

Fuck You! I’m Keith Top Of The Pops will be released via Corporate Records on 26th September 2011. It will be available on CD, MP3 and Vinyl.