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AAA Music | 16 March 2025

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Will Hanson – Moving A Body

| On 22, Aug 2011

“The Ungodly Hour” This song starts off with piano chords being played. The voice and vocals also really fit in well. The guitar also fits in well, but the spacey feel makes the song really connect with the listener. Towards halve way the song gets drums and makes the song more upbeat which is nice. The song really gets into the listeners head and he is taken into a trance. The upbeat tempo really makes the song a great starting song for the album. “The View From Ebury Bridge” –The song starts off with piano chords being played accompanied with nice vocals. The vocals have an effect in the background. Then a melodic guitar is being played in the background accompianing with a drum beat. The song gets more upbeat and then a xylophone is being played. This makes the song really melodic which grabs the listener into a high point like “The View From Ebury Bridge”Our Basket” starts off with the same lullaby melody being played, which has an electric guitar accompanying it. It also has drums, bass and a piano. The song also has vocals with beautiful lyrics. The song is really meaningful, beautiful and really deep. Towards the end the song has travelled the listener into a different dimension, due to it being really beautiful. “Apostate Christ” the song starts with nice plucked guitar chords. Then beautiful vocals with touching lyrics are being sung with an echo sound too it. A violin and cello is being added for more depth to the song. Then also some nice, powerful plucked chords are being played. “In Her Loving Memory” starts off with some nice melodic e electric guitar being played with an accompanying bass line. Then the sound becomes fuller with a violin. Then the rest of the band fills the song, which becomes upbeat. The song really gets even fuller and better with the guitar effects and violin solo. The vocals are the icing on the cake, because its “In Her Loving Memory”. Halve way the gets a bridge and changes to deeper and darker sound, but soon enough it catches the upbeat tempo again. The song is really touching and grabs the listener through the bass line at the end into a trance different, because here with moving images of her. “The Bats” starts off with piano chords being played, accompanied with nice vocals and lyrics. Then the song becomes more complete with the addition of the guitar, drums and bass. Then the song becomes really simple again, but soon the band catches up. The song is really catchy the vocals sound like “Arcade Fire”. “Curtains” starts with cello being played and being accompanied with some nice slow drum beat. Then touching vocals and lyrics get the attention. Then a electric guitar comes in to complete the sound. The sound of the song is really great, because it songs really that you are there sweet and raw. The way the song gets fast and then slows again is also really nice. The song gets halve way really complete with vocals effects. “Deathbed Conversion” starts off with some deep bass line being accompanied with drums. Then some melodic guitar is being played. The vocals come in and have nice effects on them. The song gets some really nice echo effects which are really taking the song into different dimension. Towards the end the guitar becomes moiré heavy which is really the icing on the cake of the song. “And So…” the song starts with some nice deep piano chords being accompanied with some grate melodic guitar sound. The drums also fit well together. The overall effects give the song the required depth the song needs to get the listener into a different dimension. When vocals come in the listener is taken into a trance that is well beyond where he might be at the moment.


Author: Enrico Dow