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AAA Music | 15 March 2025

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Roberts & Lord to release ‘Eponymous’ debut, reveal mp3 and video

| On 21, Aug 2011

Roberts & Lord
Asthmatic Kitty – 3 October
“oblique,” the new single, is now available here:
The video for their first single “Windmill” is here:
A supercombo team-up between Simon Lord (of Simian) and Rafter Roberts, the Roberts and Lord duo present their Asthmatic Kitty debut Eponymous!Roberts’ rough and grimy (yet complexly arranged) analogue backing tracks paired with Lord’s clean, digitally-recorded vocals, gives these songs a tricky kind of depth that is immediately engaging. This effortless juxtaposition reigns throughout these 35 some-odd minutes.

Influenced by nonsense verse poets like Ivor Cutler and Edward Lear, Lord gives us a simple, light-hearted return to innocence, a goodly love for good love, the capital F feel-goodness compressed into a chorus, the sweaty exuberance of a solid dance party with all your friends around you.

Remember MySpace? Rafter Roberts and Simon Lord sure do—they owe their new band to it. Well, sort of; this is a band that would’ve happened regardless, a collaboration constellationally fated, a thing bound to be born, and born to be fun. History: Earlier this year, Lord (ex Simian) was combing the interwebs looking for collaboration ideas. A click lead to a click-click which lead to a click onto a blog-hosted video for Roberts’ Animal Feelings track “No F—ing Around”, see the seriously awesome video here:

Then click, click, et cetera click, and a MySpace message was sent from Lord in London to Roberts in California. This “hella MySpace hookup,” as says Roberts, has now blossomed into a brand-new Asthmatic Kitty full-length album titled, eponymously, Eponymous.