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AAA Music | 18 March 2025

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Teeth – Care Bears

| On 24, Jul 2011

Let’s get one thing clear before I begin. I like this song. I do. It’s an exciting track with its driving beat, pitching shifting synth beeps, clattering drums and screamed vocals. From start to finish it has this frenetic, out-of-control energy and lyrics that sound like they are detailing the ransacking of the singer house from some kind of electro mob. All of which add to the excitement and thrill of listening to this.

Now this is where the problem starts. For all its thrills, spills and excitement it’s hard to dissect. This song is all about function and that function is to pick you up, get you all hyped up and leave. And that’s exactly what it does. There is nothing inherently wrong with this track and the elements of the track are well put together and all do their job very well. But once you reach the end of song it leaves you’re life and you go back to whatever it is you were doing before.

If you want an exciting electro track to get you jollied up to go out or pretend you’re young and at a Skins-style house party. This is for you. It’s short, sharp and very to the point and that’s what makes this so damn exciting to listen to.


Author: Barry Gray