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AAA Music | 15 March 2025

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Lost On The Moon In June

| On 17, Jun 2011

“This is a breakup song. I phoned it in from the moon. If you don’t believe me, listen to the song. Born from a lightweight Casio PT-20 with its built in rhythm and automated backing chords, I turned into a big production with a multitude of things including timpani, strings, and the Hornicator.
I’ve been riding an emotional roller coaster this month. A few weeks ago I split from my wonderful girlfriend of nearly five years. I really didn’t want it to happen, but our individual visions of the future weren’t as synchronous as everything else we had in common. While I thought we were growing gradually more inseparable, I guess she was gradually seeing it as inevitable that we would eventually go our separate ways. That’s it in a nutshell anyway.

On the day this happened I got massively drunk, as you do, and wound up with the worst case of hiccups I’ve ever had. Then I got mugged on a bridge in the middle of the night. The upside was that later I realized the mugger had scared the hiccups out of me.
You know that old saying ‘in bad spirits’? Well, my understanding of that expression is that when you’re in bad spirits, more bad spirits are attracted to you. Like mosquitoes to a hiker in a red leotard.

A friend mentioned on facebook that we write our best material when we are either “very sad or very much in love”. I’ve been both lately, so you can be the judge as to whether that’s true or not. Part of me hopes not, because I’d like the second half of the monthly journal songs to be even stronger, but I’d like to get happier too.”

-Thomas Truax, June ’11

Thomas Truax, inventor and steam-punk performer extraordinaire, has just posted this month’s release as part of his 12 Months 12 Tracks plan of writing, recording and releasing a track every month through 2011. So far he’s garnered across the board critical acclaim for the tracks he’s posted so far, with big names such as Jarvis Cocker jumping on board to support the project.

Last year Thomas released his ‘Sonic Dreamer’ album to widespread critical acclaim:

“Sonic Dreamer may just have the wit, invention and accessibility to be the album that garners him the recognition he deserves as a recording artist.” – Drowned in Sound

He also continued to tour the length and breadth of the country. One of the high points being a gig at the Royal College of Art where Thomas was invited to collaborate with Jarvis Cocker in the live soundtracking of a short film by acclaimed director John Smith.