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AAA Music | 30 January 2025

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She’s A Hit – Pleasure

| On 05, Jun 2011

The fact that “Pleasure” is such a difficult album to review should be taken as a very positive statement about She’s Hit’s debut. The band avoid generic constraints by creating their own aesthetic that is something between gritty garage rock and a more upbeat almost surf like vibe. Rather than sounding like they have taken influence from one aspect of music, there is a sound here that has taken in everything around them to create something which is truly quite excellent.

The album is undoubtedly intense; it rarely gives the listener space but instead intoxicates until the sound is almost hypnotic. That is not to say that there is urgency in all the tracks but even the slower tracks like “Lustless” manage to make disconsolation exceptionally consuming. The whole album seems to revolve around creating a wall of noise that not only gives the whole album zest but also an anthemic quality that is so lacking in modern day rock ‘n’ roll. That is not to say that this album is a reference point to much of that which has come before it; indeed there is an air of satire about this album as it self-consciously parodies some of the greats. Yet there are experimental touches too in tracks like “Shimmer Shimmer” which glitters amongst the other tracks. It seems like She’s Hit are on to a winner here.

The only problem with “Pleasure” is that for some listeners the production of the album might seem a little harsh; indeed the cohesiveness between tracks can make the album seem a little samey at times and might put people off. However, all in all this is an incredibly decent effort from yet another exceptionally talented scots band; ones to watch.

Author: Josie Payne