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AAA Music | 24 February 2025

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All The Young @ The Underground

| On 30, May 2011

Stoke-On-Trent, 21st May

Morrissey’s new favourite band All The Young plays a come back show in their home town in Stoke-On-Trent’s The Underground tonight.

The minute we adventure in the venue it is clear that tonight we can expect a proper show: the venue is packed with band’s mates and families, adding a touch of intimacy to the place.

It takes them 2 minutes to win over the crowd, just long enough for them to get on stage and the audience goes wild. Their short set is filled with anthems and charisma: they get you on your toes and dancing all the way to the dance floor, which is exactly what everybody is doing. Singles Welcome Home and The First Time are already classic tunes and by the times the set finishes you can’t help but feel you’ve been part of something special, such as the birth of true rock stars.

Author: Alessia Matteoli