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AAA Music | 5 March 2025

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Dangerous! – Not One of You

| On 22, May 2011

Call me jaded but there are two things that I look out for when judging a band before listening to their songs (stop looking at me like that, you know you do it too!) the first is extraneous punctuation in the name, and extraneous haircuts on their, er, heads. Well as you can probably tell, Australia’s Dangerous! Possess both of these handicaps. Needless to say, I wasn’t looking forward to spinning this, their debut single, until I saw something that really did split me down the middle. The backing of legendary punk label Epitaph behind them. Suddenly this became promising, but a prejudiced little voice in the back of my head was still screaming the words “Punctuation!! HAIRCUTS!!” so it was with no little trepidation that I finally pressed play. And… it was alright.

Coming on like Green Day side project the Foxboro Hot tubs fronted by Oli Sykes this is a three chord, sixties garage rock song with some metalcore howling over the top of it, saved from being terminally annoying by the sheer confidence that the four piece play with. And that’s about it, there’s precious little identity, which, since it is their first single is a little pissy of me, I know, but I see no reason to let them off that particular hook when Epitaph thinks they’re something special. In all, give this a listen but if you’re not turned into a die hard fan straight away all this will do for you is highlight the fact that The Computers do this whole sixties rock with hardcore punk screaming deal roughly 17’000 times better than Dangerous! And even if you are turned by Not One Of You, check The Computers out anyway, they’re awesome.

Author: Will Howard