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AAA Music | 17 March 2025

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AAA Music Meets The Jim Jones Revue

| On 18, May 2011

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May 6th, 2011- The Jim Jones Revue played in Bologna and AAAMusic visited them for a quick interview and some shots! We arrived early so we could enjoy a bit of soundcheck! After that we had the pleasure of speaking alone with Jim, the singer, here it is our chat…

What do you think of Italy and its fans?

They are the best, we haven’t played here much but when we have its been cool. One of my favourite places is the Basque regions Spain and France because the passion is high, I think Italy is like that too when you have the right crowd. I use to play here with my first band the hypnotics, we played a few times in bologna. Its always been great to play here. Italy is the best, for us its the best ! they don’t know us, they don’t know Jim Jones Revue yet! Yet! But I think its the best  place to live in life, in general.

Is this a European or worldwide tour?
This is the European part, we have 50 shows, playing nearly every night. At the end of the year we did three tours, which lasted two weeks, three weeks and six weeks only had four days off. At the end we stopped 3 days before Christmas and our piano player had a nervous break-down. He couldn’t do it anymore he didn’t want to be away from home so much. We were like Fuck! What we gonna do now? Cos we had a tour in Australia and tour in America all ready to go in the new year. So we called around in Australia and America asking for someone to work for us while we were touring there. Then when we came back we had to find a permanent member to play in the band. Now we have Henry.

So we’ve already been to Australia and America, we stopped to rehearse for two weeks with the new piano player and now we are on our 50 day tour and have two weeks left of it.

How did Jim Jones Revue come about?
After my first two project with the Hypnotics and Black Moses I met Rupert, which is now our  guitar player. I met him while I was playing in London with Black Moses he use to be a promoter and he was in London at the same time booking bands in the ‘ Not the same old blues crap’.  So after getting to know him a little better I asked him if he wanted to create a band which played real rock and roll, not rockabilly, it’s not rock, nor blues just original pure rock and roll. unlike the stuff that was around at the time. So we called around other musicians we knew and Jim Jones Revue was born.

You already have two albums under your belt, are you planning on releasing a new any time soon?

Yes by the end of this year we want to release another album. Hopefully start to work on it in august. We have met a lot of people so still trying to decide where or who is best to produce with.

What is your thoughts regarding the connection between music and fashion?
I don’t like the word fashion I like the word STYLE, so yeah music and style, if you have particular taste in music then maybe you can be fussy regarding your clothes. I think traditionally Italians have nice silhouette to their style. At the end of the day everyone needs to find their own individuality their own way to express themselves in they way they dress, in art and in music the most important thing is to feel confident

How do you feel when your on the stage?

I’m always really happy to see a lot of people . I think to myself, how can i make a connection with the crowd? When I see them dancing i think its really great, its like a challenge and I want to give 150% effort. Because 100% is never enough!

Authors: Alessia Caffo and Giulio Brusco