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AAA Music | 5 March 2025

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Frank Turner – Peggy Sang The Blues

| On 15, May 2011

I can see the headlines now. “Hardcore Frank Turner fan thinks that his new single is the best thing since sliced sex!” but when you think about it, being a hardcore fan actually makes one even more qualified to talk about an artists music, for one it means they’re familiar with the back catalogue, and therefore able to compare it to what’s gone before and give you, dear reader, an informed opinion on the artists journey, either into obscurity, or, in the case of Frank Turner, immortality.

Make no mistake, this is something unbelievably special, similar to the lead off single for his last record, The Road, in that one might not fully understand how great the song is until you’ve listened to it a couple of times. But once you get the chorus under your skin, once the spectacular lyrics have been branded indelibly into your conscience, it becomes an early contender for track of the year, simultaneously bigger, more intimate, more personal and more universal than ever before, you owe it to yourself to buy this astonishing single, especially if you haven’t already joined the ranks of Turner fanatics yet and are wondering just how much fuss one can make over a beardy twenty-something and his acoustic guitar. Let this single answer your question, you’ll thank yourself for it later.

Author: Will Howard