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AAA Music | 5 March 2025

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Personal Space Invaders – Tough Times

| On 08, May 2011

Let it be know, dear reader, that I’m nothing if not dedicated to the noble cause of enforcing my opinion on something as intrinsically subjective as pop music on those fortunate enough to come across this great site. Because for the past couple of hours I’ve been listening to London electro duo Personal Space Invaders’ sophomore single and trying to fathom what in the name of all that’s holy is going on and I’m only slightly closer than I was all that time ago. It’s synth-pop, Jim, but most definitely not as we know it.

Perhaps I should elaborate, if every part of the song fit together in the way it traditionally should this would be pretty standard electro-pop, but that’s precisely the point, for the intro the drum track skitters along off time as if someone sat on the drum machine during recording, realised and didn’t bother to change it afterwards, thinking it sounded “outlandish” or something. Well it doesn’t, it sounds amateurish, which is a shame because once you look past it there’s an awful lot going on here, it just sounds mashed together, badly. And it continues throughout the track, it’ll get back on track and sound like a relatively serviceable electro pop track and then suddenly everything goes a little bit off. In the end however, if their drum machine hadn’t been drinking during the recording session, this would still just be a pretty humdrum electro-pop track, so in all, if you’re into this sort of thing, give it a go, if not, you will remain definitely unconverted.

Author: Will Howard