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AAA Music | 6 March 2025

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Jagermeister + Slaves To Gravity announce free download + video

| On 29, Mar 2011

Jägermeister have just release the outcoming of their latest ‘Ice Cold’ Studio Session which teams up artists (and even penguins!) to collaborate on new tracks.

Having previously brought together Fightstar and Lethal Bizzle, and most recently London Zoo resident Ricky The Rockhopper Penguin and Leed’s GU Medicine, Session #3 brought together British rock band Slaves to Gravity and Columbian Hip-Hop artist Lupa.

The collaborators had just one day to record a track, a process made all the more difficult by the fact that Slaves to Gravity spoke no Spanish and Lupa no English. The only language they shared was that of “Music”.

Ahead of recording the track a Tommy Gleeson from Slaves to Gravity said: “This is something entirely new for us, but it has really set our creative juices flowing. A lot of the grooves we work around are basically big, fat hip hop rhythms with riffs laid over the top, so to expand on this with Lupa is going to be really exciting. We’ve always been a pretty closed off unit, so it’s very refreshing to have new blood running through our music. Having just one day to nail everything is going to add a real edge to the session and a sense of urgency to the track.”

Lupa added: “I am really excited to be working with Slaves to Gravity on this track.  We have very different styles, but this will lead to a really interesting and unique collaboration.  On this recording I hope to represent Colombian hip hop from the barrios of Medellin, which is known for its candid lyrics, freestyling and sharp rhymes.  Jägermeister have given me an amazing opportunity and I can’t wait to get into the studio in London.

The result is now available to hear online, with a making-of video up as well.  You can check those out via the below links:

For more information, please contact Ollie McCormack at Top Button Digital on Ollie@topbuttondigital.ocm or 0207 681 4124

Slaves to Gravity & Lupa – Radio Havana

Audio + Download:


The track can also be downloaded from