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AAA Music | 4 March 2025

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Knock Out Kaine – KandyKaine EP

| On 12, Mar 2011

Knock Out Kaine like playing with words, in fact their name can be intentionally read as KO Kaine. These four boys believe that if you wanna “Get High” come to a Knock out Kaine gig (no they’re not doleing out lines of the ol’ adult icing sugar! But they will give careful consideration to any donations!). In Their own words “This is a party, it ain’t depressing or thought provoking, we’re not trying to change the world here, it’s escapism, come to a KNOCK OUT KAINE gig and forget your worries for a while, live your life vicariously through us for an hour or two, get a little bit wild and we’ll come and roll around in the pit with you”.

Danny Krash is a straight talking, foul mouthed, heavy artillery drummer from the Tommy Lee school , while Dean Foxx bills himself as “The best singer ever to slip from his mother’s womb”. Their music is heavily influenced by 80s rock, especially the Motley Crue and Aerosmith music.

Coming home is the typical rock ballad, starting heartbreaking to go in a rock crescendo made of guitar riffs and closing heartbrwaking again with a gentle guitar harp.

Going down is a honest revival of 80s hard based on guitars, that in fact introduce the tune with the typical carrying away riff that make people clap and accompany the tune. Also the drum beat and sound are related to that period, so as the stadium choirs behind the rough singer’s vocals.

Little Crystal is a bit heavier, with guitars a la Bon Jovi, and a singing style reminding Steven Tyler, also in choirs, but the refrain is very catchy, it’s the typical tune you can follow at the first listen. The guitar solo is remarkable,

On the whole KandyKaine is a good EP, the band rediscovered a genre that has been abandoned for twenty years, and indeed they suggest us that we can love it again, especially if we were fans of Motley & Co.

Author: Roberta Capuano