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AAA Music | 9 March 2025

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Bob Geldof Announces New Single ‘Here’s To You’ – (April 11th 2011 Mercury Records)

| On 08, Mar 2011

To celebrate the onset of spring Bob Geldof will release a new single on 11th April.  Entitled “Here’s To You” it is the second single to be taken from his acclaimed new album“How To Compose Popular Songs That Will Sell”.   It follows hot on the heels of his previous single “Silly Pretty Thing”, a song that lit up the airwaves and lightened the January blues with its joyously infectious message of hope and love and its hilarious accompanying video that saw Geldof performing somersaults in a field.

At this moment of instability and change, ever the contrarian Geldof seems positively energized by all the uncertainty, and contrary to his somewhat curmudgeonly public persona, has embraced positivity.  Who’d have imagined the Geldof we have known for the last 30 odd years writing the key lyric of “Here’s To You”, “I’m in love with life tonight”!  The penny has finally dropped, at the age of 58 and a half (the age he was when he wrote this record), that it doesn’t get much better than hanging out with your missus and your mates.

Says Bob: “I have this great bunch of friends, and we go off and it was very early in the morning – two or three – and I came back where we were staying and wrote it.   It was just a very simple song, a little thing to life and love and all the good stuff..”