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AAA Music | 1 March 2025

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Ivyrise – Line Up The Stars

| On 07, Mar 2011

I always like to think of myself of ahead of the game when it comes to new artists but I have really missed a trick with Ivyrise. Having floated about for the past couple of years, they now release ‘Line Up The Stars’ via MyMajorCompany UK which is a site in the ilk of bandstocks and slicethepie. It took the band just four days to raise £100,000 and from this single it is not hard to see why. Ivyrise are not the most original band you will hear this year but they stick to type and they do it very well. The sound here is that of an epic, stadium filling band and it is the sort of all accessible rock that has become the mainstay of the British music scene. The impact of Jason Perry on the track is also incredibly easy to spot and he continues on from his success with bands like Kids In Glass Houses and The Blackout with a great track. It will be interesting to see what Ivyrise come up with next as this is a very solid start.

Author: Josie Payne