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AAA Music | 4 March 2025

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Sam Kills Two – Pretty Ugly

| On 28, Feb 2011

A glass of red wine and a shimmer of a tear threads a melancholic homeward bound theme through these thirteen tracks of clouds Stills and Nash.  The album as a whole is in reality a careful canoodling and hushed multitude of honey suckled springtime snuck glances, which betray nothing more than the sensation, nay undercurrent of lost kisses and naive fumblings amongst alfalfa and cherry blossom.

This mourning heifer, heavily laden with the nostalgia of a dream made stronger by the platitudes of a vocalist intent on force feeding his sonic imagery of some kind of  “…pillow for a weary head…”. An album that plays as if it were but one long track gifting the listener the comfort of a soul wrapped in the warmth of a freshly laundered nightgown.

Following in the foot prints pressed into  the fresh cut grass of folks’ new era hysteria  Sam Kills Two take the warmth of a Josh Bray demo and mix it with the melancholy of Mumford & Sons whilst neatly avoiding the harsh realities of The National and Admiral Fallows’s ‘These barren years’.

A joyous album to behold; a ‘Harvest Field’ for the noughties.

Author: Guy Waddington