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AAA Music | 4 March 2025

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Yoav – A Foolproof Escape Plan

| On 12, Feb 2011

If you are anything like me then you have never heard of Yoav before but download the opening track to new album “A Foolproof Escape Plan” and you will wonder how that is possible. “Greed” is a riot, all infectious beat with a rumbling bass its heart pushing it on below classy vocals. It is a little obvious in terms of intent and formation but that doesn’t stop it from being the perfectly crafted song. It is, however, perhaps not the best representation of the album as a whole; instead, the sound throughout “A Foolproof Escape Plan” is a little less formulaic and frankly a little bit weird. The songs make excellent use of counterpoint and almost distance the listener, forcing an active rather than passive experience.  Yoav Sadan is an interesting vocalist in that his voice often seems silky smooth juxtaposing against the more harsh music; however, at other times Sadan’s vocal is altogether rougher and bassier.

“Yellowbrite Smile” is perhaps the best example of how the album sounds in that it is full of experimentation with instrumentation and volume and manages to leave you a little unsettled. This might not sound like the compliment that I mean it to be but Sadan has a gift at managing to capture brooding without ever falling into self-indulgence. Make no mistake, this is a very intense album that will at times make you feel uncomfortable but this is all part of Yoav’s true talent; that is, the ability to affect a listener seemingly effortlessly. There is not a bad song here, instead a collection of fantastic tracks that will undoubtedly not receive the attention it deserves; make sure that you give it all of yours.

Author: Josie Payne