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AAA Music | 15 March 2025

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Röyksopp video winners unveiled for each ‘Senior’ track

| On 03, Feb 2011

After much deliberation the winners for Röyksopp’s ‘Senior’ music video competition with have been chosen. The competition was for fans to create unique videos for each of the tracks on Röyksopp’s recent instrumental album ‘Senior’.

The winning videos were chosen by Röyksopp and each will receive $1,000, while the overall winner gets $3,000.
lluismiras’ (The overall winner from Argentina), excellent video to ‘The Alcoholic’ brilliantly captures Röyksopp’s sense of the bizarre within the mundane. The great colours and light also helped it to standout from the rest but it is the slight twist as the women begin to dance that is the real pay off in this video that just makes it so…. Röyksopp. Watch it here now:

All the individual track winners can be seen below. Each is definitely worth a look.
‘…And The Forest Began To Sing’ by MikeAmin (United States)
‘Tricky Two’ by a02jimah (United States)
‘Senior Living’ by CONTENTed (South Korea)
‘The Drug’ by ejnsof (Poland)
‘Forsaken Cowboy’ by Matt Phantom (United Kingdom)
‘The Fear’ by Balázs Gyory (Hungary)
‘Coming Home’ by SORDINA (Colombia)
‘A Long, Long Way’ by ianpahute (United Kingdom)
Click below to watch all videos with additional comments:
Röyksopp’s new single ‘Forsaken Cowboy’ is released on February 28th via Wall Of Sound. Röyksopp DJ at BFI’s Benugo bar (Free BUG afterparty) from 10pm Friday 11th February.