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AAA Music | 4 March 2025

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Pilotlight – South

| On 31, Jan 2011

Pilotlight are a very pleasant surprise. I was very curious about their music because their debut album “The Post War Musical” is critical acclaimed; they are compared to Elbow, Radiohead and Jeff Buckley and they claimed to be “…influenced by aspects of George Orwell’s observations of society, Francis Bacon’s use of colour & violent resolve, and, Michel Gondry’s use of neosurrealism to explore the nature of relationships…”; so this pompous introduction rises my expectations.

And they didn’t disappoint me. South, the second single taken from the album, is a little pearl of indie-pop music really influenced by all the artists mentioned before, but pay attention they don’t copy them, having developed a deep musical identity. I’d never confuse them with anyone else and they have the merit of having create a kind of music that sounds familiar but new at the same time using all their instruments softy. The drums tinkle, the guitar plays sweet chords and the piano accompanies the mellow singer’s voice; the interesting thing is that the tune suddenly goes in crescendo, all the instruments start to play stronger and the voice is more determined but keeping its with a veil of melancholy. Pilotlight are undoubtedly one of the best act heard in this first month of 2011.

Author: Roberta Capuano