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AAA Music | 9 March 2025

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The Agitator @ Barfly: Win Tickets!

| On 27, Jan 2011

AAAmusic is giving away a pair of tickets

for The Agitator @ Barfly on the 3rd


For your chance to win simply email – subject line

Agitator, with your details and the

name of your guest.

Hurry Up! Entries close Saturday31st January at 10.00 pm.

UK residents only

The Agitator is to play a very special headline gig at Camden Barfly next Thursday the 3rd February. He has stood up as a spokersperson for a generation disillusioned with their situation. Too many people believe the younger generation are apathetic towards political issues that effect us all every day. Many students have protested over the ridiculous rise in tuition fees, they have stood up against the government and proclaimed their right to an education. They have voiced their displeasure and stood up and shouted NO! The Agitator is asking us all to think about our situation and if we are unhappy then stand up and be counted. His live performance in itself is a protest. It is loud and raw. No guitars or flashy instruments, just a huge voice and two drummers. It is most definitely a sight to behold, this chap has got balls! His third single ‘Say No!’ is out on 7th March:

Here’s a video of him explaining the movement he has created called ‘No-ism’:

He recently released his second single ‘Give Me All That You Got’ and made this awesome video taking over the streets of Central London on a busy Saturday night:

Further tour dates:

30th January – Oxford, Communion

3rd February – London, Barfly

17th February – Brighton, The Green Door Store

19th February – Cambridge, Haymakers

21st February – Bristol, Thekla

22nd February – Nottingham, Stealth

25th February – Leeds, Nation Of Shopkeepers