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AAA Music | 4 March 2025

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The Wombats – Jump Into The Fog

| On 23, Jan 2011

The Wombats, after the critical acclaimed come back single Tokyo (Vampires & Wolves) give the audience a new taste of their second album, The Modern Glitch, set to be released 1st April. Tokyo has already announced a changing in the band sound, more electronic and more decadent, exploring dance territories as well. The video was a true parody of what a band can do while they are touring abroad, funny and  bitter at the same time.

The new single Jump into the fog is more relaxed, it is very different compared to the post punk excesses of Kill the director, guys have grown up and explore a darker side of lyrics and music.

The singer’s attitude has changed as well, he looks like a tired bohemian  inside the derelict hotel you can look at in the video, and that’s perfect to accompany a song whose strongest point is the Moog riff that open and follow the tune creating a dreaming atmosphere. The distorted guitar solo on the bridge contributes in creating a crescendo and giving the tune a bigger depth.

These are two very good anticipation for The Wombats, they increase the curiosity about their album, so we can do nothing than waiting impatiently.

Author: Roberta Capuano


This dastardly duo, having both garnered much critical acclaim and having accumulated an unusually large following; unusual given their tendency to take the piss.  Take calling themselves ‘The Wombats’ for example, a name that smacks overtly of The Wombles, and a level of arrogant fatuity that one would have thought would keep your hardened scenester at home, hands firmly thrust in pockets muttering self-serving soliloquies damning the decade’s descent into such musically decadent doldrums – a matter no doubt to be prolonged indefinitely in much the same way as the current ‘Sub-Prime’ disaster.

To rub salt in bed-sores, or alleviate aforementioned gloom, the first single taken from The Wombats’ second LP (‘The Wombats proudly present…This Modern Glitch’) ‘Vampires & Wolves’ achieved the heady heights of heavy radio rotation with even Zane Lowe, Mr. Ubercool himself, regarding it as ‘The Hottest Record in the World’.

There is no doubt that it was a frisky little number, and with their follow-up single ‘Jump into The Fog’ being equally spiked with hook-laden additives,  even The Sun was quoted as saying “The Wombats have another huge hit on their hands with their new album”.

‘Jump into the fog’, released on January 24th, is nothing but more momentum for a band that is eagerly building up steam for the release of their second album (due out on April 11th).   It is a piece of pop pageantry that couldn’t hide its credentials even if it tried, with its unashamedly infectious, memorable chiming synth riff that’s complimented by the intellectually savvy juxtaposition of a gloriously distorted guitar solo to create new darker dimensions to the band’s formulaic ‘let’s all have fun’ family-friendly theme.

In keeping with this single’s “life tastes better when it’s wrapped in debauchery” thematic u-turn; an attempt perhaps to show that they’re more than just a one trick pony as well as a sign of growing maturity and engagement in the realities that exist outside their popstar bubbles, the new video for ‘Jump Into The Fog’, was shot in Skid Row in downtown LA at a derelict hotel.

So, The Wombats have put on their thinking hats and produced another poptastic gem, though now the cracks in their carefree facade are beginning to show.  This is an exciting time in their career, a crossroads if you will, where they can choose to stick to what they know and burn out through shear tedium, or whether, as they appear to being doing here, they can see if they can make it as a band with a soul.

Author: Guy Waddington