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AAA Music | 15 March 2025

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Ian Evans – The Post Office Tower

| On 23, Jan 2011

‘The Post Office Tower’ was Ian Evans‘ first (proper) solo album. The nature of the music differs slightly to that of his second album ‘Lapsang Souchong,’ essentially because it’s more of a straight-ahead folk-rock album, with Evans holding back on his prog-rock tendencies. The Dorset born singer songwriter admirably plays every instrument on this debut, and on his subsequent solo offerings, and he’s certainly an able musician.

The production quality isn’t great on ‘The Post Office Tower’ but the raw and hissy sound is actually rather fitting for Evans’ brand of DIY folk. More so than on the follow-up album, he contains that punk rock angst that the late Elliott Smith poured into his early recordings (Like Evans, Smith also played every instrument on his solo albums). ‘Leave Us Not Little Nor Yet Dark’ could easily have been on Smith’s ‘Roman Candle’ debut.

This album may lack the experimental ambition that makes Ian Evans stand out in his later work, but the simpler nature of the songwriting, production and lyrics make for an easier listen. Evans’ vocal performance is still far below average, but with such technical talent and imagination we may end up being won over by this multi-instrumentalist in time. Lets hope he’s invested in some singing lessons in preparation for his upcoming album.

Author: Clive Rozario