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AAA Music | 4 March 2025

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It’s been a good year for Claudia Georgette….Get a listen of new free download ‘Chat Shows’

| On 15, Dec 2010

It’s been a good year for Claudia Georgette – her ‘Signet Ring’ video has had over sixty thousand views in just 3 months, she has had huge support from numerous blogs and websites and her live show has been going from strength to strength. Another video is also in the pipeline for next year as well as a string of nationwide gigs.

And because it has been such a good year for Claudia, she has decided to end it with a bang…by giving away another free download. Following her satirical ‘Signet Ring’ style, ‘Chat Shows’ has a lyrical content that will ring true with many listeners.

It’s been a good year for Claudia Georgette – her ‘Signet Ring’ video has had over sixty thousand views in just 3 months, she has had huge support from numerous blogs and websites and her live show has been going from strength to strength. Another video is also in the pipeline for next year as well as a string of nationwide gigs.

And because it has been such a good year for Claudia, she has decided to end it with a bang…by giving away another free download. Following her satirical ‘Signet Ring’ style, ‘Chat Shows’ has a lyrical content that will ring true with many listeners.

You can embed ‘Chat Shows’ by using the code below, or an MP3 can be downloaded for free from Claudia’s Facebook page

Soundcloud embed code:

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