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AAA Music | 6 March 2025

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Fatboy Slim/Starjackers: Something’s Happening

| On 14, Dec 2010




Available Exclusively Now at

General Release Date: Boxing Day

FATBOY SLIM – I have been rinsing this all summer long and it has been the most asked about tune in sets all year (what’s that fucking “Geno” tune you played?) At last it available, legally, initially from my website and everywhere else very soon. Now you can all stop asking me about “that fucking “Geno” tune”

Starjackers use the classic Dexy’s Midnight Runners cut “Geno” in this good times club monster. It begs the question, why didn’t anyone think of this before? It just works, something Norm can vouch for having tested it on the road this year.

Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, Norman “Fatboy Slim” Cook has been able to make this track exclusively available on his site ( For just 99p you can get the original and Doorly Remix in one simple secure click!

The idea to release this track came as a result of the Harassment Norm describes above as well as a bombardment of questions about it in the “Ask Norm” section of his website (where fans can leave a question for Norm and he will personally get back to you). With that much interest, it just had to get a proper release!

Exclusively Available Now at:

General Rel Date: Boxing Day

Label: Southern Fried Records