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AAA Music | 28 March 2025

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Two Wounded Birds tell it all!

| On 13, Dec 2010

Fresh from a high profile tour slot with The Drums, AAAMusic were lucky enough to catch up with new favourites Two Wounded Birds.

AAAMusic: Where did the band members first meet, and how did you all come to be in the band?

Two Wounded Birds: Two Wounded Birds came together about a year ago, It was me(Johnny) and Ally first, then we picked up Tom and James. Id seen Tom around town and eventually we got talking and he said he played guitar. We hung out a few times and then it just kind of happened, he was in the group. Recruiting James was a bit more panicky. We had some guy drumming for us that got scared and bottled going on tour at the last minute, so we are all kind of screwing panicking going’ what the hell are we gonna do?!’ and then through the most random of sources i emailed this guy explaining everything, he came over to see us, and we hit it off straight away, great friend and great drummer.

AAAMusic: Growing up, who were the major influences that made you realise that you wanted to be in a band?

TWB: Well, when i was 9 i was into Oasis and The Beatles and it was them that made me want to start to learn to play guitar, and ever since ive just tried to soak in as much as i can. As soon as i got my first guitar, i just locked myself away in my room and i must of stayed in there forever just playing, learning, falling in love.

AAAMusic: You have come to the end of a rather high profile support slot for The Drums on their European tour. How did you come to be on this tour?

TWB: Ever since Holiday found us, we have become good friends with them and The Drums. I think friendship coupled with them really enjoying our music was key, they gave us a great opportunity and we have all had a great time!

AAAMusic: Jacob Graham (guitarist of The Drums) recently said “Two Wounded Birds are that surf band that everyone wanted The Drums to be.” There is a clear american surf rock influence throughout your recent recordings, was it a conscious decision to produce surf-tinged music when you first formed the band?

TWB: We enjoy that music for sure, Dick Dale, Link Wray, that early west coast thing. Its a great sound that really enchants me. I think because i was listening to a lot of that stuff when i was writing this year its crept thru to the music. It wasnt a concious decision, but its become a nice part of TWB.

AAAMusic: It has been claimed that there is somewhat of a surf rock revival occurring at the moment – would you agree, and if so why do you think that is?

TWB: I think there has been some Surf orientated stuff, but i think people have been flirting with it kind of, i think its more a revival of melody. I think people are rediscovering great sounds of a bygone era and its inspiring them to write melodies again. Which is great. Its the sound of those old recordings, its just great isnt it? sometimes theres like, loads of reverb in one channel, or it just sounds real basic, but, its just got something, that magical something. I think current recording techniques miss this, with everything being so polished these days.

AAAMusic: What has been your favourite new album of 2010?

TWB: The Drums debut or Best Coast. To be honest there are so many but they are my top two.

AAAMusic: Are there any plans for a debut full length album in the near future?

TWB: Im writing new songs at the moment, would love the Debut to come out around summer.

AAAMusic: What has been the highlight of 2010 for the band?

TWB: There have been so many! Its either when Holiday first got in contact, or it was the European/Uk Tour. Both were very special!! So much has happened, its a lot to take in, but we are very happy about all of it.

AAAMusic: Finally, what is 2011 going to bring for Two Wounded Birds?

TWB: I just want to carry on writing and making records, hopefully get an album out by the summer and play as much as we can and hopefully win a place in peoples hearts!

Author: Clive Rozario