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AAA Music | 4 March 2025

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Love Parry III – Toy Box

| On 13, Dec 2010

Heterogeneous electro trio ‘Love Parry III’ are definitely not averse to throwing media curveballs if this offering is anything to go by.  ‘The Hot Puppies’ have donated Luke Taylor to be their front man, so perhaps not such a surprise from such an ingenuous band.

‘Toy Box’, the single chosen from the upcoming EP, an obvious choice with its emotive lyrics juxtaposed intelligently with the superficial shine of its musical facade, is definitely the highlight from ‘Chalice’.  However, three remixes used to culminate the EP’s five tracks – perhaps an effort to drum its essence into the listener – merely irritates and quite possibly has the adverse reaction of pushing potential clientele away.

With a music scene so open, there’s gonna be a market for pretty much anything with an ounce of talent – the fact ‘Love Parry III’ have got this far is evidence of that, and  the obvious audience for this type of music show they do have a future; its length is the quandary.

To be frank, this release bares the odd repeat and ‘The Fabulous Ones’ is a nice cheesy track, however the lyrics are patronisingly shallow in their pseudo-sentiments and the music itself just keeps coming at you in waves of electronica and Twee.

Without any obvious purpose beyond arming 12 year olds with grating music to annoy their parents with in Tesco’s, ‘Love Parry III’ will hopefully fade away as quickly as they have come.

Definitely an 18 certificate required.

Author: Guy Waddington