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AAA Music | 4 March 2025

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:papercutz – Do outro lado do espelho (Lilac ambient reworks)

| On 24, Nov 2010

:papercutz, the Portuguese Electronic music project formed in 2005 by the only Bruno Miguel,  after the releasing of the critical acclaimed album Lylac in 2008, returns after two years with a new remix album: Do outro lado do espelho (Lylac ambient reworks), It featured relevant ambient music artists like Taylor Deupree, Keith Kenniff, Simon Scott among many others that Bruno personally invited to work on his music.

The result is a remarkable album characterized by dreaming atmospheres and the use of well chosen sounds, clinks, background noises, repeated lines, voice echoing in the distance, all contributes to create a particular arrangement for every tune.

The lead vocalist Melissa Veras sings gently, in Lylac her vocals are almost a sigh, while in Encantamento the piano is the absolute starring, it could be a piece of classical music, with its moving crescendo.

The downside of this kind of work is that at an absent-minded listen tunes could sound very similar each other  and this is the risk that ambient music takes in general, but the bright side is that it will be definitely appreciated by lovers of this genre for the real quality of this project.

Bruno Miguel made a brave choice, or a cunning one, but experimenting with music is always a good thing.

Author: Roberta Capuano