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AAA Music | 4 March 2025

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Wild Nothing @ Cargo

| On 17, Nov 2010

London, 11th November

Finally Wild Nothing, the new sensation from Virginia hits London with its load of saccharine and melancholy.

Jack Tatum moves his bedroom on the stage of Cargo and doesn’t forget his dreams and regrets, embracing the audience with the magic of Gemini, probably the best indiepop album of this year.

Jack seems unaware of being the next big thing. With his allure of naivety it’s hard to imagine him capturing the crowds of the big festivals.

Nonetheless Wild Nothing enchants with its honesty and projects our minds in sweet memories we never really lived, reconciling ourselves with a life we never had.

As expected, Wild Nothing on stage is not the same as heard on album.  For everyone in love with nugazers a la Radio Dept. reproducing the layered sound of these acts live on stage could backfire in a crumbling wall of sound, unless your name is Kevin Shields.

Jack plays the card of simplicity. Accompanied by Jeff, Nathan, and Michael, chisels eleven gems of crafty art, as simple as perfect. The audience at the beginning looks disorientated, almost doesn’t recognise what was expecting. Only with the first notes of a spartan version Live In Dreams the atmosphere warms up. Since now on is a crescendo of emotions that climaxes with Chinatown and the last, splendid, Summer Holiday.

Author: Lorenzo Coretti