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AAA Music | 14 March 2025

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Young Rebel Set – “It’s important not to forget your roots”

| On 09, Nov 2010

AAAMusic: How did you come up with the name Young Rebel Set?

Young Rebel Set: We went through a name change about a year and a half ago and had hundreds of terrible ideas flying around, so we decided to pick the worst one we could think of. At the time, I think we were trying to be ironic but it may have backfired slightly.

AAAMusic: You are a band from the North East, is this something that is important to you and do you think it has influenced your sound?

YRS: I don’t think the north east has directly influenced our sound. It’s not as if we’re singing about the transporter bridge or parmos but we’re very proud of being from this part of the world and I think that is quite important. Not to forget your roots.

AAAMusic: What made you decide that you wanted to write and perform songs?

YRS: I think for most of us in the band have been brought up to have music and instruments at our mercy with acoustic guitars or pianos being strewn around households. Most of the band have been writing songs for many years so it’s just the natural step to take it on stage and perform in front of crowds.

AAAMusic: Seven members is more than your average band. Do you think being in a larger group changes the dynamics of the band?

YRS: It definitely helps if some band members are doing your head in because, with there being so many of us, you can just go off and talk to one of the other boys. As there are a larger number of us we aim to create a larger sound that could then be classed as more diverse and dynamic.

AAAMusic: Your official website describes you as making “gritty urban folk.” What does that mean!?

YRS: It was a term a friend of ours used to describe us when we were just starting out. I’m still not entirely sure what it means but it sounds good. I’ll have to ask him and find out what he was getting at.

AAAMusic: ‘Measure Of A Man’ is out soon, who came up with the ideas for the video?

YRS: It must have been the quickest turn around for a video ever. We got a phone call from our manager on a Tuesday saying come down to London on Wednesday as we’re shooting the video and he let us know the narrative. So we hopped in the van not really knowing exactly what we were to be doing as some of it was adlib on the day along with ideas Jo and martin had,  and turned up outside this pub in East London where we met the director, Martin Stirling, and this woman dressed in mens clothes who introduced her/himself as Jo. Well low and behold it was Jo Hartley who plays Shaun’s Mam in This Is England and between them they’d come up with the idea for the video the evening before. The shoot lasted about 3 hours and then we received the final edited version the day after. 48 hours from birth to conception.

AAAMusic: You have just finished touring; is touring something that you enjoy?

YRS: Very much so. Just to be on the road and play to so many different people is amazing. The response you can get from some people who haven’t really heard the music before can be very affirming. And if nothing else, touring does get you out of the house!

AAAMusic: You are off to Germany in December, are you excited about it!?

YRS: I never thought i’d say this, but we are fans of Germany. Obviously not in football terms but the country and people as a whole are totally receptive and are very much music lovers. We try and play out there as much as possible without forgetting too much about our lovely homeland.

AAAMusic: What are the next big plans for you?

YRS: Measure of a Man is set for release on November 14th. As mentioned, we’re heading back out to Germany in December. We’ve got a big hometown Christmas show planned which we’re looking forward to. Then next year, it’ll be all about the album. We’ve just put the finishing touches to it and are very excited about the release and the subsequent touring to promote it. Happy times ahead.

Author: Josie Payne