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AAA Music | 4 March 2025

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Performance @ The Silver Bullet

| On 09, Nov 2010

London 4th November

Performance graced The Silver Bullet with their whimsical brand of unassuming pop on Thursday night. Looking round the crowd throughout the set it was clear to see that this band have a host of inexorable fans delighted at the news of their return. The band produce pleasant, lighthearted tunes with catchy riffs and rousing hooks that anyone can enjoy and dance along to. Even when dealing with negative subject matter, the band maintains their relentlessly upbeat vibe. The entire crowd sang along with the track The Living, united in the euphoric mood that bound the venue. Performance didn’t necessarily rouse excitement in me or prove themselves to be anything particularly distinct from any other offerings from this genre. They did, however, get me along with everyone else in the room on my feet and dancing to each of their tracks. The unpretentious attitude the band exhibited both on and off of the stage is in my opinion the most refreshing thing about Performance; their gigs are not exclusive events limited to an assuming and elite group of people. Looking round the venue at the assortment of people present, the atmosphere could be best equated with that of a party that anyone is welcome to, and if you get the chance I suggest that you RSVP.

Alice Cuddy