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AAA Music | 23 February 2025

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The Answering Machine – Animals

| On 24, Oct 2010

The Answering Machine return with ‘Animals’ the lead track from their new album ‘Lifeline’ and it is clear from the first thirty seconds that the band have not lost their love for catchy hooks and insatiable melodies. The bass line is a powerhouse underlining the track as a whole until you reach the epic sounding chorus. ‘Oh it seems like you know me better than I know myself’ is the repeated phrase throughout the track and seems to be a stronger theme than the animals conceit but that isn’t a problem when a track is as catchy as this.

B Side ‘A Courtyard’ isn’t quite as catchy but offers fans a look at different side to The Answering Machine with heavier use of synths and distorted vocals which offers an interesting disconnection between artist and listener. Although not as melodic, the B Side is still a very successful track and will have fans’ mouth watering at what they can expect from ‘Lifeline.’

Author: Josie Payne