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AAA Music | 23 February 2025

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Cowboy Junkies – Remnin Park

| On 24, Oct 2010

Cowboy Junkies return this week with another dose of their own brand of alternative country rock. If Remnin Park feels familiar, that’s because it is – the band haven’t drastically branched out with this latest offering, instead opting to build on the formula that brought them success in the first place (a solid blend of classic rock n roll, some elements of the psychedelic, and a strong sense of melancholy). Don’t be misled though; Remnin Park feels less ‘recycled material‘, more the slow-burning musings of an experienced band that know exactly what sound works for them and why. Highlights of the album include the excellent, trippy Sir Francis Bacon at The Net and I Cannot Sit Sadly By Your Side, a quiet ballad as heavy with emotion as physically possible. Simultaneously unique and enjoyable, Remnin Park should please both old and new fans alike.

Author: Katharine Sparks