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AAA Music | 31 March 2025

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Kings Of Leon – Come Around Sundown

| On 18, Oct 2010

Kings of Leon. You must have lived under a rock not to know them. Yes, the fellas singing Sex on Fire. Yes, the guys on a Dylan-esque neverending tour (I honestly wonder how they do it!). And yes, the guys who are still a great band despite all the critics Only by the Night brought with the vast success.

Let’s make a point clear: I am a massive KoL fan. I enjoy all albums, although I must admit I prefer the first and second ones. Nevertheles, I enjoyed Hyde Park and their set at V Festival and I enjoyed their latest fatigue Come Around Sundown.

Preceeded by the radio friendly and sure stadium hit Radioactive, it is understandable why old fans of the band and many critics slate them off for their “commercial” change of direction: it is indeed a good tune, perhaps lacking of some of the genius sparkling that Red Morning Light or Molly’s Chamber have. Sure, the guitar is sharp and Caleb’s vocals are warm, graspy and powerful, but, despite liking it, I agree that it could be a SoF follow up.

Don’t let this put you down though: apart from the fact that there is nothing wrong in wanting success (did we all forget Oasis, U2, Muse?), the album is full of tracks that are worth listening to more than once.

The End is a beautifully crafted distorted ballad while Pony Up – my favourite – sounds like an out take from the first two records. The Immortals has the flavour of a sing along stadium anthem, whereas No Money is like a secret diary of a band of young, talented men, aware of how quickly success has kissed them and sometimes battling with the struggle of keeping it real and not forgetting their roots.

Forthcoming single Pyro also unveils their sense of lonleliness and emptyness derived by the quick success; a sad, melancholy track that gives clues to solve the KoL quest. The Face and Back Down South both manifest the intention to go back home, leave the circus and the spotlights for a bit and connect with their true selves.

I can’t help but feel that Kings of Leon have made their mind up on what they want and with this album – still polished to some extent, but with a deeper connection with their musical origins than its predecessor thanks to the soulfull sound – they are just taking the first steps towards their perfect balance between rock n’ roll stars and the americana rockers of their debut. Recommended.

Author: Alessia Matteoli