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AAA Music | 31 March 2025

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Andy C ‘Nightlife 5’ out this week and new documentary!

| On 06, Oct 2010

Andy C has been an incredibly important influence on the D&B scene; he has already successfully launched the careers of Chase & Status and Sub Focus and continues to nurture new talent such as Xample & Lomax and Culture Shock. The video below is part of a documentary about just how influential Andy C has been and continues to be today. Nightlife 5 is out this week; read more about it below.

Combining outstanding A&R flair with unequalled mixing skills, Andy C has been selecting the best unreleased music of the time since 2003, his reputation giving him access to exclusive future anthems, and giving them unprecedented exposure. Since 2003, the 4 ‘Nightlife’ albums have been the best selling independent drum and bass mixes.

Two years after ‘Nightlife 4’, Andy C is striking again. As his current set consists mostly of Ram future releases, and he still champions the much discussed vinyl format, the album showcases some new signing such as Wilkinson and Delta Heavy, brand new tracks from the forthcoming albums of Loadstar (AKA Xample & Lomax) and Culture Shock as well as hot exclusives from heavyweight names, future stone cold classics flowing impeccably over two CDs,

To accompany the CD release there will be a collection of singles, first of which will be the already gigantic ‘Link To The Past/Rapidas’ by Loadstar AKA Xample and Lomax to be followed by a ‘Dimensions’ style EP released alongside the Nightlife CD late October.
