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AAA Music | 31 March 2025

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The Grannies – One Night Stand

| On 04, Oct 2010

The Grannies are, in a nutshell, the next Babyshambles. I’m not just saying this as journo-speak, they are made not only from the same stuff musically, but travelling the same path, and full of the same obnoxious and catchy punk rock n roll sound.

That said, The Grannies have a transatlantic twang to them, their melodies and songwriting holding echoes of early New York Dolls, although the production and mixing is miles ahead, being crystal clear yet unobtrusive. ‘Sad Song’ feels like the lovechild of ‘Jet Boy’ and The Clash in its bassy momentum, whereas semi-acoustic track ‘Little Poor Girl’ in particular feels like a direct descendent of ‘Lonely Planet Boy’, its blood mixed in with harmonica songs a la Bob Dylan and a subtle love of profanity, and the group vocals are used to great and tuneful effect. Elsewhere on ‘Never’, we are given an energetic blast of punky guitar rock with skewed riffs, crunching chords and sprinting drums keeping pace alongside one another, and the guitar solo is neither too showy nor too simple. The vocals are full of attitude, but in places the track feels a bit too poppy and inoffensive, although given the drunken, chaotic feel of the riffs this is easily excusable as an enjoyable piece of rock to jump around to.

And to finish, ‘Children’s Panic’ is a manic leap around old-school punk rock n roll in its full glory. Incorporating bits of Steve Conte, Gogol Bordello, and heaps of squalling Stooges dirty blues all around a Mando Diao indie shuffle, it rattles along with considerable momentum and even more noise. Everything that can be a bit louder is, but nothing feels cartoonish or overbearing, even though the riffs are deceptively simple.

The Grannies aren’t exactly groundbreaking. But given the fact that so many punk rockers are growing up and writing bad poetry/questionable memoirs, or founding newer, more sensitive bands, it is reassuring to know that the alcohol-drenched, guitar-slinging madness and fun that makes a considerable part of the heart of rock has not been abandoned.

Author: Katie H-Halinski