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AAA Music | 4 March 2025

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Too Young To Love - Vault of Heaven/Down to the Infinity | AAA Music

| On 05, Jun 2010

Too Young To Love must be a band that loves to trick its audience, because they do it so well on “Vault of Heaven”. It floats in on a bed of ambient esque synths, cellos and hushed vocals, and at the point your mind starts to wander, colossal drums signal the sky scraping chorus and suddenly it’s amazing! Cheeky buggers. It’s a record that rewards multiple listening, once you know that the whole things going to skyrocket the intro becomes subdued and tense as apposed to meandering.

The B side, Down to the Infinity is in a similar vein, atmospheric, hushed intro followed by chorus that leaps out of nowhere, slaps you in the face then retreats again. The single can be summed up as kind of like MGMT’s recent material had they discovered horse tranquilisers instead of acid. In short, interesting and pretty damn good.

Author: Will Howard