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AAA Music | 5 February 2025

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thomas white | AAA Music

| On 30, May 2010

The enfant terrible of music talks about music and future projects…
AAAmusic: How’s the tour going? What’s the feedback you’re getting on the album so far?
Thomas White: Touring’s always a blast when you’re playing with a band this capable. Andrew Mitchell of The Hazey Janes is possibly the most versatile, able, unshowy guitarist I’ve ever come across. Damo Waters is similarly unassuming, but a monster behind the kit. Recent additions Max Erle and Kit Ashton have proven themselves indispensible within the space of one gig. Working with my dear brother Alex is, it goes without saying, a joy, a privilege and a pleasure. Feedback has been good, as always…

AAAmusic: Among the album what is the track that you like the best? And if any, the one that you like the least?
TW: They are all my little babies, and to choose the ‘best’ or ‘worst’…? I mean, how would you feel?

You played last weekend at TGE: did you also manage to check some of the other bands out? Anyone you would recommend?
TW: The Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster beat seven shades of shit out of the crowd at Hector’s House with a brutal, unrelenting set on the Thursday. They now have their schtick down pat – play as hard and fast as humanly possible, whilst staying as still as possible – very dramatic, very magnetic. All the while the crowd is an explosion of fists and pints and hair and limbs. Awesome.

AAAmusic: Can you tell us a bit more about the creative process?
TW: Absolutely not.

AAAmusic: “I just don’t like days off” : does this mean that you have already new material ready?
TW: Of course. New album’s written.

AAAmusic: You have been in the music industry for a while: how has it changed for artists? Is it easier or tougher to get your music noticed?
TW: Put it this way, in 2002 we sold 6,000 copies of a single in one week. The single reached 23 in the charts. Number one that week was, I believe, Kylie’s ‘Can’t Get You Out Of My Head’, which sold approximately 20,000 copies. The lowest selling number one of recent months was around 4,000 (possibly The Hoosiers or Scouting For Girls – my memory for effluence isn’t all that hot…). So, you can see we are buying physical releases far less than even 7, 8 years ago. Adversely, we are consuming just as much, possibly more music than ever (file-sharing/legal downloading) and there are twice as many bands as there have ever been. Hard times.

AAAmusic: You have already played with the likes of British Sea Power, Brakes, Sparks and Patrick Wolf to name a few – it’s not politically correct, but with whom did you enjoy playing with the most? With which other artists would you like to play?
TW: Sparks was a dream come true, and extremely exciting for my folks, so I’m very proud to have been involved with them in any way. They’re true gentlemen. Patrick’s an artist in the purest sense, and a consummate performer. I can’t explain it – we just seem to get on. I’d love to play guitar in Part Chimp, just for the fucking thrill.

AAAmusic: Name us 3 of your favourite artists from the past and current scene and why you chose them.
TW: Field Music, because they’re from Sunderland and they get Genesis. Carl Larsson, because he made his life his art, and I want to live in his house. Salvador Dali, because he was a genius and he didn’t give a shit.

AAAmusic: Without getting into a row… which artists you think are definitely overrated?
TW: I never liked U2. They’re factually shit, and there’s no excuse for their size as a band. I guess people simply have bad taste. Also people like Lady Gaga, whose sole purpose seems to be to titillate. She’s a weak role model for girls and provides lowest-common-denominator, shit music for gay bars. What’s to like?

AAAmusic: What’s next for Thomas White?
TW: A swim and a cycle, then I’m going to see the fantastic FUN. tonight at The Prince Albert. Great band.