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AAA Music | 3 March 2025

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teenagersintokyo | AAA Music

| On 30, May 2010

London, 21st May

TEENAGERSINTOKYO are a London-based five-piece coming from Australia, a mix of energy and primitiveness that won the crowd of Stag and Dagger with 30 minutes of pure adrenaline. We wouldn’t have expected anything better for the launch of their first album Sacrifice.

From the first notes of Sacrifice and Peter Pan is clear that the secret of this debut band consists in their simplicity.Straightforward and compelling, Teenagersintokyo sound like Ladytron chewing a strawberry gum, a less pretentious version Gossip and CSS.

End it tonight, third track of the lot and latest single convinces the multitude of sweaty teenagers of the Queen of Hoxton, and a party atmosphere reigns over. Samantha sings and dances like she’s possessed, with the crowd imitating her moves.

With Robocat we have maybe the best part of the gig, and when the tribal rhythm of Black Bones signals the end of the night we feel like we wanted a hell lot more!
Author: Lorenzo Coretti

Photos: Joel Knight